pasta gluten free with mushrooms

Ingredients for 1 person

•1 egg
•80g of gluten free flour
•Water (if needed)

Before starting

Due to the fact that our pasta has no gluten, the dough has to be kneaded carefully since it has not the same elasticity of a regular pasta dough. Said that, let’s start!

Preparations steps

– step 1

Put all your flour on your wood surface, making a mountain.
Open the flour mountain, making like a big volcano. The hole has to be big enough to contain the egg.
Crack the egg in the bowl and smell it: if it smells good you can put it in the flour. We do this procedure for each egg, in this way we are sure to not lose the rest of the ingredients if one egg is bad 🥚

– step 2

Start to mix the egg first, the same way to make a scrambled egg. Then, add more and more flour, starting from the center and pushing more and more flour inside.
As you notice that the consistency starts to change you can leave the fork and go with your hands. To avoid that all the egg will stick on your hands try to push the flour in the center first.
The flour and the egg should start to create a solid dough 💪

– step 3

Keep working on it with your palms, trying to have the same consistency inside and outside.
You have to press and roll your dough at the same time. Add some flour if it keeps sticking.
If it gets too dry, add half spoon of water.
The goal is to have a soft and elastic dough, but not sticky.
The dough should be worked for 10/15 minutes, otherwise it gets too thick.
The surface should be very smooth

Roll the ball into a big circle with a rolling pin. The thinner the better! You should be able to see your hand through the dough ✋

pasta gluten free

– step 4

Let the dough rest wrapping it in a 100% cotton towel. In a few minutes, it will be ready to be cut!
Dust the surface lightly with flour, then roll up jelly-roll-style. Cut into 1/4-inch-wide strips for fettuccine, broader strips for lasagna or thin spaghetti noodles 🍝

pasta gluten free handmade

Take a big pot and fill it with hot water, when you notice that the water is boiling, put some salt, wait until the water boils. Drop your Fettuccine inside the pot, let them cook. Eventually when they are floating, you can drain them.
Now your gluten free pasta is ready to be served with your favorite sauce.

P.s Peas and mushroom sauce is highly recommended!